Everybody's Hot Shots Wiki
Class Novice
Age 29
From Singapore
Height 5'4"
Weight 132 lbs
Likes Movies
Dislikes Outtakes
Voiced by Japanese:
Kenichi Fujiwara

Chang (チャン) is a golfer introduced in Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational. He is the second character to be unlocked through Challenge mode in the PlayStation Vita version, and is a default character in the PlayStation 3 version. Chang is a Novice character, and has the strongest drive out of all players within the class. He plays greatly in the bunkers, and has a very large impact zone, but with poor control and average at best spin stats.


Asia's Networking King

Born in Singapore, his passions include film and golf.

He worked for a leading corporation before leaving to pursue dreams of acting. His debut film was "Kung Fu Golf."

He took up golf as a way of bonding with clients, but stayed with it, even after leaving.


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational:

  • Power: D - 244y
  • Control: E
  • Impact: A
  • Spin: C
  • Sidespin: C
  • Good: Bunker
  • Bad: None
  • Shot: Draw (Mid)

